The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000-1650:
An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization
Author(s): Cathal J. Nolan
Year 2006, PDF, 1167 Pages
The current world seems to be preoccupied with religious warfare, but the period between 1000 and 1650 had more heated exchanges and battles based on religious belief, as this work documents. Its geographic scope encompasses the then-known civilized world from Europe to China, Africa, and the Americas; and its more than 2,000 entries treat a remarkable range of topics: technologies, ideas, social and class relations, major confessional groups, theological disputes, and more. Examples include Armor, Infantry, Islam, Justification by faith, Military discipline, Puritans, Ship of the line, Siege warfare, and Wheel lock. A number of entries are biographical, among them those for Oliver Cromwell, Salah al-Din, and Girolamo Savonarola. But the most space is devoted to "narrative recounting of major wars and key battles and sieges"--the Crusades, the English civil wars, the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, to name a few. Length ranges from a line or two for Enfilade and Palfrey to more than 11 pages for Thirty Years' War. Some entries end with suggested readings, and cross-referencing is extensive.
The entries are listed alphabetically at the beginning of each volume. An index at the end of volume 2 allows the researcher to look up more specific terms. Twenty-five maps depict specific battles and the extent of empires such as the Ottoman and the Holy Roman. Other features include a chronology of events that begins in 1008 with the fall of the Cordoba emirate and ends in 1650 with the military settlement of the Thirty Years' War. A selected bibliography of some 35 pages provides texts for further reference as well as a list of Web sites arranged by topic, such as "Wars by Region" and "Weapons."
This resource would be a good purchase for larger public libraries and undergraduate institutions that support courses in the history of warfare. It can provide students and general readers with background for understanding some of the major conflicts of the twenty-first century
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The entries are listed alphabetically at the beginning of each volume. An index at the end of volume 2 allows the researcher to look up more specific terms. Twenty-five maps depict specific battles and the extent of empires such as the Ottoman and the Holy Roman. Other features include a chronology of events that begins in 1008 with the fall of the Cordoba emirate and ends in 1650 with the military settlement of the Thirty Years' War. A selected bibliography of some 35 pages provides texts for further reference as well as a list of Web sites arranged by topic, such as "Wars by Region" and "Weapons."
This resource would be a good purchase for larger public libraries and undergraduate institutions that support courses in the history of warfare. It can provide students and general readers with background for understanding some of the major conflicts of the twenty-first century
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